Dr. Harbert’s research focus includes the planetary geophysics, plate tectonics, the geomechanical analysis of microseismicity in organic shale, advanced seismic processing and Interpretation related to subsurface imaging and analysis, and a rock physics-based determination of dynamic acoustic and mechanical properties of geologic units. He has also been involved with environmental geophysical technologies relevant to remote subsurface water quality and topology analysis. He and his students and collaborators are actively work on the application of Deep Learning methods to seismic emissions and geophysical object detection and classification. The research of this group is the analysis of microseismic, reflection seismic, VSP and fluid and structure using advanced processing and attributes. The group works to accurately image surface geometry using geophysical techniques and advanced geophysical processing. The goal of this research is to better understand subsurface structures, subsurface pore filling phases and topologies and dynamic processes at a variety of scales, from micro tomography (CT) scale to log response scale, to vertical seismic profile and cross well tomorgraphy scales and surface seismic response scale.