

Director of Space Biomedicine, Surgery Dept, McGowan Institute of Regenerative Medicine
Founder, Director of Space Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept
Director of Space Science, Geology and Environmental Science Department

All Faculty

Mai Abdelhakim Mai Abdelhakim
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Civil and Environmental Engineering Department
Physics and Astronomy Department
Physics and Astronomy Department
Nihil Bajaj Nikhil Bajaj
Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science Department
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Taposh Banerjee Taposh Banerjee
Industrial Engineering Department
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Mechanical Engineering and Material Science Department
Director of Space Biomedicine, Surgery Dept, McGowan Institute of Regenerative Medicine
Periodontics and Preventive Dentistry Department
Physics and Astronomy Department
Emergency Medicine Department
Rosemary Capo Rosemary Capo
Geology and Environmental Science Department
Periodontics and Preventive Dentistry Department
Daniel Cole Daniel Cole
Mechanical Engineering and Material Science Department
Evan Collins Evan Collins
Geology and Environmental Science Department
Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Department
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Mi Dai Mi Dai
Physics and Astronomy Department
Ahmed Dallal Ahmed Dallal
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Center for Patients with Special Needs
Informatics and Networked Systems Department
Lei Fang Lei Fang
Civil and Environmental Engineering Department
Alessandro Fascetti Alessandro Fascetti
Civil and Environment Engineering Department
Geology and Environmental Science Department
Founder, Director of Space Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept
Melanie Good Melanie Good
Physics and Astronomy Department
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Joel Greenberger Joel Greenberger
Radiation Oncology Department
Geology and Environmental Science
Zachary Harris Zachary Harris
Mechanical Engineering and Material Science Department
Jingtong Hu Jingtong Hu
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Periodontics and Preventive Dentistry Department
Bistra Iordanova Bistra Iordanova
Bioengineering Department
Mark Kahrs Mark W Kahrs
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Upendra Kar Upendra K Kar
Surgery Department
Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Department
Sports Medicine and Nutrition Department
Arthur Kosowsky Arthur Kosowsky
Physics and Astronomy Department
Raj Kubendran Rajkumar Kubendran
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Prashant Kumta Prashant Kumta
Bioengineering Department
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Industrial Engineering Department
Orthopaedic Surgery Department
Computational and Systems Biology Department
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Oral and Craniofacial Sciences Department
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Oral and Craniofacial Sciences Department
Dental Anesthesiology Department
David Nero David Nero
Physics and Astronomy Department
Jeff Newman Jefffrey A Newman
Physics and Astronomy Department
Paul Ohodnicki Paul Ohodnicki
Mechanical Engineering and Material Science Department
Restorative Dentistry and Comprehensive Care Department
Industrial Engineering Department
Director of Space Science, Geology and Environmental Science Department
Piero Rizzo Piervincenzo Rizzo
Civil and Environmental Engineering Department
David Sanchez David Sanchez
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Dave Schmidt David Schmidt
Mechanical Engineering and Material Science Department
Physics and Astronomy Department
McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine
Ravi Shankar M Ravi Shankar
Industrial Engineering Department
Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Department
Civil and Environmental Engineering Department
Susheng Tan Susheng Tan
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science Department
Dave Turnshek David Turnshek
Physics and Astronomy Department
Diagnostic Sciences Department, Dental Medicine
Keith Vogt Keith Vogt
Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine Department
Guifeng Wang Guofeng Wang
Mechanical Engineering and Material Science Department
Emergency Medicine Department
Geology and Environmental Science Department
Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine Department
Geology and Environmental Science Department
Michael Wood-Vasey Michael Wood Vasey
Physics and Astronomy Department
Feng Xiong Feng Xiong
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Mechanical Engineering and Material Science Department
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Andrew Zentner Andrew Zentner
Physics and Astronomy Department
Liang Zhan Liang Zhan
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Physics and Astronomy Department
Xiayun Zhao Xiayun Zhao
Mechanical Engineering and Material Science Department
Health Information Management Department

Space Engineering Faculty

Mai Abdelhakim Mai Abdelhakim
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Civil and Environmental Engineering Department
Nihil Bajaj Nikhil Bajaj
Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science Department
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Taposh Banerjee Taposh Banerjee
Industrial Engineering Department
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Mechanical Engineering and Material Science Department
Daniel Cole Daniel Cole
Mechanical Engineering and Material Science Department
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Ahmed Dallal Ahmed Dallal
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Lei Fang Lei Fang
Civil and Environmental Engineering Department
Alessandro Fascetti Alessandro Fascetti
Civil and Environment Engineering Department
Founder, Director of Space Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Zachary Harris Zachary Harris
Mechanical Engineering and Material Science Department
Jingtong Hu Jingtong Hu
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Bistra Iordanova Bistra Iordanova
Bioengineering Department
Mark Kahrs Mark W Kahrs
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Department
Raj Kubendran Rajkumar Kubendran
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Prashant Kumta Prashant Kumta
Bioengineering Department
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Industrial Engineering Department
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Paul Ohodnicki Paul Ohodnicki
Mechanical Engineering and Material Science Department
Industrial Engineering Department
Piero Rizzo Piervincenzo Rizzo
Civil and Environmental Engineering Department
David Sanchez David Sanchez
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Dave Schmidt David Schmidt
Mechanical Engineering and Material Science Department
Ravi Shankar M Ravi Shankar
Industrial Engineering Department
Civil and Environmental Engineering Department
Susheng Tan Susheng Tan
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science Department
Guifeng Wang Guofeng Wang
Mechanical Engineering and Material Science Department
Feng Xiong Feng Xiong
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Mechanical Engineering and Material Science Department
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Liang Zhan Liang Zhan
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
Xiayun Zhao Xiayun Zhao
Mechanical Engineering and Material Science Department

Space Biomedicine Faculty

Director of Space Biomedicine, Surgery Dept, McGowan Institute of Regenerative Medicine
Periodontics and Preventive Dentistry Department
Emergency Medicine Department
Periodontics and Preventive Dentistry Department
Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Department
Center for Patients with Special Needs
Joel Greenberger Joel Greenberger
Radiation Oncology Department
Periodontics and Preventive Dentistry Department
Upendra Kar Upendra K Kar
Surgery Department
Sports Medicine and Nutrition Department
Orthopaedic Surgery Department
Computational and Systems Biology Department
Oral and Craniofacial Sciences Department
Oral and Craniofacial Sciences Department
Dental Anesthesiology Department
Restorative Dentistry and Comprehensive Care Department
McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine
Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Department
Diagnostic Sciences Department, Dental Medicine
Keith Vogt Keith Vogt
Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine Department
Emergency Medicine Department
Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine Department
Health Information Management Department

Space Science Faculty

Physics and Astronomy Department
Physics and Astronomy Department
Physics and Astronomy Department
Rosemary Capo Rosemary Capo
Geology and Environmental Science Department
Evan Collins Evan Collins
Geology and Environmental Science Department
Mi Dai Mi Dai
Physics and Astronomy Department
Informatics and Networked Systems Department
Geology and Environmental Science Department
Melanie Good Melanie Good
Physics and Astronomy Department
Geology and Environmental Science
Arthur Kosowsky Arthur Kosowsky
Physics and Astronomy Department
David Nero David Nero
Physics and Astronomy Department
Jeff Newman Jefffrey A Newman
Physics and Astronomy Department
Director of Space Science, Geology and Environmental Science Department
Physics and Astronomy Department
Dave Turnshek David Turnshek
Physics and Astronomy Department
Geology and Environmental Science Department
Geology and Environmental Science Department
Michael Wood-Vasey Michael Wood Vasey
Physics and Astronomy Department
Andrew Zentner Andrew Zentner
Physics and Astronomy Department
Physics and Astronomy Department


Linda Redlich Linda Redlich